7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

eduardo Moreno
7 Simple Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

As World Mental Health Day is this month (October 10th), it is a good reminder that we should all prioritize our mental health. Here are a few easy changes we can all make in our lives to help improve our mental health.

1. Learn How to Say “No”

Don't worry about disappointing others, set boundaries for yourself and be realistic with how much time and energy you have to give. If you are looking for a gentle way to say no, explain honestly what's preventing you from committing and offer a suggestion of another time or solution.

2. Set Aside Time for Self-Care

Every day, set aside time to do something for YOU. Figure out what you truly enjoy doing and allow yourself the freedom to indulge. This could be anything from a bubble bath to a long bike-ride, or just an episode of your favorite TV show.

3. Edit Your Internal Dialogue

Reforming your outlook on challenging situations can be one of the best ways to help improve your mood. Rather than thinking about things with the mind-set of: "I have to" try practicing saying to yourself: "I get to." These subtle changes can help you develop a more positive mindset. Even if you don’t believe it at first, try saying positive affirmations to yourself, soon enough you can start believing them!

Examples of reframing thoughts:

Instead of I have to try I get to

Instead of I can’t try I’ll try

Instead of I could never try maybe some day 

4. Carry Some Coping Tools

Try keeping something on hand that can be used to help in moments you may be feeling stressed or anxious. Some examples of helpful tools include: a stress ball, an aromatherapy inhaler, jewelry with a calming or inspirational message, or our personal favorite; Heritage CBD products. Having some on-hand to help alleviate stress can be a comfort on its own.

5. Get Some Sleep!

The state of your mental health could be directly impacted by the amount of sleep you are getting. When you are sleep deprived, your Serotonin levels lower and your Cortisol levels spike. Serotonin is a mood-stabilizer, while Cortisol is your stress-response hormone.  Therefore, these chemical shifts from sleep deprivation could be causing more damage to your mind than you’d think!

6. Talk it Out

It's important to have someone to talk to about what's going on in your life or things that you are struggling with. Therapy is always a great option or reaching out to a close friend or family member. If you don't feel comfortable talking to someone you know or face to face, there are plenty of sources online to anonymously reach out for help and speak with somebody.







7. Don't Let Setbacks Defeat You

Life comes with plenty of ups and downs. Setbacks do not equate to failure, and you should aim to look at them as merely obstacles on the way to success. If you fixate on one problem it can feel consuming, therefore it’s important to step back and look at the greater picture. For example, if you're having an off morning, avoid telling yourself that you are having a terrible day, because with a positive mindset, that day can turn around and be great. Trust that situations that are less than ideal are only temporary, and good things will come soon—just don’t give up!